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Health & Social Care Shop #HSCresources #tlevelhealth

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Level 2 & 3 Health & Social Care and T-Level resources both free and small charge ; use the search facility and I hope you find what you need. Supporting teachers




Level 2 & 3 Health & Social Care and T-Level resources both free and small charge ; use the search facility and I hope you find what you need. Supporting teachers
Care Value – Effective Communication  (adaptable to suit need/level)

Care Value – Effective Communication (adaptable to suit need/level)

A 14 slide PowerPoint which explains the care value; Effective Communication, using images to aid applied understanding and activities to challenge students to show their understanding. This is for the BTEC Tech Award Level 1/2 Health & Social Care but can be adapted to suit other qualifications with slightly different care values/care value base. There is There is some guidance about how students can ‘demonstrate’ this care value in a 1-2-1 and a group role play Most slides have the guidance for what is needed for a Pass, a Merit and a Distinction and so observation and Ofsted friendly For more BTEC and CTEC Level 2 and 3 resources, visit my shop and find the full range with a handy search facility, to cut down on time https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/HSCresources
Care Value - Maintaining Confidentiality  (adaptable to suit need)

Care Value - Maintaining Confidentiality (adaptable to suit need)

A 16 slide PowerPoint which explains the care value; Maintaniing confidentiality, using images to aid applied understanding and activities to challenge students to show their understanding. This is for the BTEC Tech Award Level 1/2 Health & Social Care but can be adapted to suit other qualifications with slightly different care values/care value base. There is There is some guidance about how students can ‘demonstrate’ this care value in a 1-2-1 and a group role play Most slides have the guidance for what is needed for a Pass, a Merit and a Distinction and so observation and Ofsted friendly For more BTEC and CTEC Level 2 and 3 resources, visit my shop and find the full range with a handy search facility, to cut down on time #hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages Join the biggest subject team, Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. 5,000 sharing ideas, resources, signposting and prop each other out #hscresources
OCR Cambridge Technical Health and Social Care - Unit 4 Anatomy - Digestive system resources

OCR Cambridge Technical Health and Social Care - Unit 4 Anatomy - Digestive system resources

This is a collection of eight PowerPoints that cover the cardiovascular section of the Unit 4 Anatomy and Physiology Digestive system, as below. Some have activities, others have video’s embedded so you can develop activities to in your own teaching style to aid student memory 3.1 Gross structure of digestive system and functions of component parts • buccal cavity (mouth or oral cavity) • salivary glands • epiglottis (stops food going down windpipe) • oesophagus • stomach • small intestine (absorption takes place) • large intestine (water is absorbed out) • rectum (canal) • anus • liver • gallbladder • bile duct • pancreas • pancreatic duct 3.2 Mechanical and chemical digestion, • action of chewing (mechanical breaking down) • action of stomach (killing off bacteria) • action of digestive enzymes in stomach and small intestine 3.3 Digestive roles of liver and pancreas digestive role of pancreatic juice • digestive role of bile (emulsifies fats like washing up liquid) 3.4 Absorption and assimilation • adaptations of intestine wall for absorption (e.g. nutrients) • liver’s role in assimilation 3.5 Digestive malfunctions – possible causes and effects • coeliac disease (autoimmune system, allergic reaction) 3.6 Monitoring, treatment and care needs for digestive malfunctions (e.g. impact on diet/lifestyle, endoscopy, ultrasound, villi needle biopsy and monitoring, medication) There’s a Facebook group with 5,000 health and social care sharing ideas and resources, come and join the big subject team :-) #hscresources TES shop for free and small charge resources
John Bowlby Theory PowerPoint, wall display and extra reading activity

John Bowlby Theory PowerPoint, wall display and extra reading activity

Small resource package for John Bowlby’s attachment theory- a PowerPoint, extra reading activity and wall display content. There’s a Facebook group with 5,000 health and social care sharing ideas and resources, come and join the big subject team :-) #hscresources TES shop for free and small charge resources Happy Teaching!
ENDOCRINE SYSTEM -  Hypothalamus, Pituitary gland, fight and flight response hormones

ENDOCRINE SYSTEM - Hypothalamus, Pituitary gland, fight and flight response hormones

This resource package has 3 PowerPoints with embedded video’s for the Hypothalamus/pituitary gland, the adrenalin glands and the thyroid gland. There are some card match activities as well as revision aid mind-maps, using acronyms for all the hormones, pictures and colours to adapt to your style of teaching. Activities to help students tackle longer exam answers are included too. In addition, there are A2 wall display ideas for the classroom, again, to aid memory. There’s a Facebook group with 5,000 health and social care sharing ideas and resources, come and join the big subject team :-) #hscresources TES shop for free and small charge resources
OCR Cambridge Technical L3 Health and Social Care - Unit 4 Anatomy - Sensory system resources

OCR Cambridge Technical L3 Health and Social Care - Unit 4 Anatomy - Sensory system resources

This is a collection of eight PowerPoints that cover some of the sensory systems section of the Unit 4 Anatomy and Physiology, as below. Some have activities, others have video’s embedded so you can develop activities to in your own teaching style to aid student memory 6.1 Structure of the eye • pupil • iris • tear glands • humours or fluids • conjunctiva • cornea • retina • macula • optic nerve • ciliary muscle/suspensory ligaments • lens 6.2 Structure of the ear • external • middle • inner ear • eardrum • stapes/incus/malleus ear bones • cochlea • organ of Corti • Eustachian tube • round window • auditory nerve • semi-circular canals • ampullae 6.3 Malfunctions of eye and ear – possible causes and effects, i.e. • eye - glaucoma, AMD, cataracts, retinopathy • ear – deafness 6.4 Monitoring, treatment and care needs for malfunctions of the eye and the ear (e.g. impacts on lifestyle, visual aids, auditory aids, medication, biopsies, scans, medication, dialysis) There’s a Facebook group with 5,000 health and social care sharing ideas and resources, come and join the big subject team :-) #hscresources TES shop for free and small charge resources For more CTEC or BTEC Level 2 and 3 Health and Social Care resources, free and small charge, visit my shop to find the full range, all in the same place with a handy search facility :-)
OCR Cambridge Technical Health and Social Care - Unit 4 Anatomy - Nervous system  resources

OCR Cambridge Technical Health and Social Care - Unit 4 Anatomy - Nervous system resources

This is a collection of TEN PowerPoints that cover some of the nervous system section of the Unit 4 Anatomy and Physiology, as below. Some have activities, others have video’s embedded so you can develop activities to in your own teaching style to aid student memory 5.1 Components of nerve systems • Central Nervous System (CNS) • peripheral nerves (PNS) • autonomic system • spinal cord • sensory and motor neurons 5.2 Structure and function of brain • cerebral cortex • cerebellum • frontal lobes • corpus callosum (left and right side communication point) • hypothalamus • medulla • meninges 5.3 Nerve action • structure of neuron (axon, dendrites, synaptic gap) • role of axon/dendron (electrical nerve action) • myelin sheath (insulates nerve message passages) • synapse (chemical nerve action) 5.4 Organisation and function of endocrine system • pancreas • pituitary • adrenal glands • thyroid • hormones 5.9 Malfunctions of control and regulatory systems – possible causes and effects • CNS, i.e. multiple sclerosis (autoimmune condition attacks the myelin sheath) There’s a Facebook group with 5,000 health and social care sharing ideas and resources, come and join the big subject team :-) #hscresources TES shop for free and small charge resources For more CTEC or BTEC Level 2 and 3 Health and Social Care resources, free and small charge, visit my shop to find the full range, all in the same place with a handy search facility :-)
OCR Cambridge Technical Health and Social Care - Unit 4 Anatomy - Renal system resources

OCR Cambridge Technical Health and Social Care - Unit 4 Anatomy - Renal system resources

SEVEN PowerPoints covering the spec areas below:- 5.5 Structure of kidney • cortex • medulla • calyx • ureters • renal artery/vein • urethra • bladder * kidney nephron (role in osmoregulation) 5.6 Functions of kidney * osmoregulation (balance of fluids in the body and blood pressure) 5.8 The concept of homeostasis • principles of homeostasis (monitoring, feedback mechanisms, effectors) and its importance 5.9 Malfunctions of control and regulatory systems – possible causes and effects eg. Kidney failure and endocrine, i.e. diabetes There’s a Facebook group with 5,000 health and social care sharing ideas and resources, come and join the big subject team :-) #hscresources TES shop for free and small charge resources For more CTEC or BTEC Level 2 and 3 Health and Social Care resources, free and small charge, visit my shop to find the full range, all in the same place with a handy search facility :-)
Care Values X 7 (BTEC)

Care Values X 7 (BTEC)

Three PowerPoints covering the 7 Care Values, how to apply them and what they mean. There are discussion points, embedded videos and animated text entry as well as a template to print back-to-back on card as a student cue card activity, for revision. Included is a wall display for the classroom too. There's a Facebook group with 5,000 health and social care sharing ideas and resources, come and join the big subject team :-) #hscresources TES shop for free and small charge resources
Care planning process resources

Care planning process resources

PowerPoint to assist in the delivery of the care planning process, an activity for students and suggested answers for teachers reference There’s a Facebook group with 5,000 health and social care sharing ideas and resources, come and join the big subject team :-) #hscresources TES shop for free and small charge resources
BTEC Level 3 Unit 4 Enquiries Current into Research in Health and Social Care, LA - B4. Skills bias

BTEC Level 3 Unit 4 Enquiries Current into Research in Health and Social Care, LA - B4. Skills bias

A 21 page resource package covering the content of the BTEC Level 3 Unit 4 Current Research in Health and Social Care, Learning Aim B4. Research Skills. It’s on Word and can be altered or added to, to suit your teaching and is page numbered from the previous booklets for this unit, also on TES. There is one PowerPoint to accompany this and activities and tasks with places for students to make notes throughout. This is a continuation from the previous booklet spec sections I have produced with page numbers to reflect this. The spec covered is, as below… B4 Research skills • Time management, organisational skills. • Non-judgemental practice. • Showing connections between sources of information. • Methods of analysis and drawing conclusions. • Recognising potential sources of bias or error. • Distinguishing between fact and opinion, and identifying bias. • Interpreting graphs and tables produced by others. • Selecting relevant numerical data. • Analysis of results, including compilation of data, results and findings, use of methods of analysis valid for data collected, including triangulation, use of percentages, use of statistical averages. • Making notes and keeping records from source material. • Reading techniques, e.g. skimming, scanning. • Conventions for presenting bibliography and reference lists. There’s a Facebook group with 5,000 health and social care sharing ideas and resources, come and join the big subject team :-) #hscresources TES shop for free and small charge resources Good Luck in your teaching, it’s a tough old job, I hope I saved you some precious time :-)
BTEC Level 3 Health and Social Care Unit 4 Enquiries into Current Research in HSC Learning Aim C

BTEC Level 3 Health and Social Care Unit 4 Enquiries into Current Research in HSC Learning Aim C

A 25 page booklet, 5 PowerPoints and a range of activities, spaces for notes and discussion points that cover the new BTEC L3 Unit 4 Current Research in Health and Social Care. This is a continuation of the Introduction and Learning Aim A booklet, the follow on Learning Aim B1, B2 and B3 and the B4 booklets, also on TES. You can add to and adapt this Microsoft Word booklet to suit your own teaching style and your students will have their own completed booklet, from which to revise from. (Learning Aim B; has been broken into small booklet resource packages B1, B2 and B3 and then B4, all available with continuous page numbering on TES https://www.tes.com/member/HSCresources) Spec covered, as below:- C1 Selecting appropriate secondary sources • Selecting sources of reliable secondary research, including professional journals, professional bodies, textbooks, periodicals, websites, research organisations. • Conducting electronic searches using academic search engines, databases, keywords, advanced search tools, refining search data to narrow range of information to manageable size. • Consideration of the suitability of the sources, including reference to ethical principles, confidentiality, conflicts of interest, fair representation of people using services. • Selecting relevant numerical data, to include graphs, tables and statistics. • Examining and interpreting graphs and tables produced by others. • Recognising bias in graphs, tables and statistics. C2 Evaluation of research • Examining content of secondary materials including introduction, body of text, conclusion. • Academic reading, to include surveying structure of source materials. • Advantages and limitations of research sources and methodologies, e.g. access to data. • Validity and reliability of results, including possible bias error, use and misuse of statistics, principles, generalisability. • Recommendations, as a result of the research, for work with people who use services. • Potential areas for further development of the research. • Potential for development of working practice and provision of services. C3 Wider applications of research • Making recommendations for potential future areas for research. • Implications of research for health and social care practice. • Implications of research for health and social care service provision. There’s a Facebook group with 5,000 health and social care sharing ideas and resources, come and join the big subject team :-) #hscresources TES shop for free and small charge resources For resources for other BTEC Units, follow me on TES and see all packages; free and small charge, inn one place :-)
BTEC Level 3 Health and Social Care Unit 11 Psychological Perspective A1 spec content resources

BTEC Level 3 Health and Social Care Unit 11 Psychological Perspective A1 spec content resources

A 32 page Word document booklet you can alter and adapt to suit your own teaching style. There are spaces for students notes which accompany FOURTEEN interactive PowerPoints, some with embedded video’s to aid understanding and guidance for activities to apply theory to practice case studies. Every aspect of the BTEC Level 3 Unit 11 Psychological Perspective A1 spec content has been covered, in detail, so students will have a hard coy of organised notes to refer to when they type up their Assignment 1. This is resource package will seriously save you a lot of time! Big Bang Theory - Training Penny - to emphasis operant conditioning Resources cover A1. Principal psychological perspectives as applied to the understanding of development and behaviour • Behaviourist: role of reinforcement, conditioning, e.g. Pavlov (PowerPoint) and/or Skinner (PowerPoint) • Social learning: effects of other individuals, groups, culture and society on behaviour of individuals, self-fulfilling prophecy, (PowerPoint) role theory, e.g. Bandura. (PowerPoint) • Psychodynamic: importance of the unconscious mind, importance of early experiences, e.g. Freud. (PowerPoint) • Humanistic: Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, self-actualisation, self-concept, self-esteem, e.g. Rogers. (2 X PowerPoints) • Cognitive: information processing, e.g. Piaget (PowerPoint and youtube clips) . • Biological: maturational theory (PowerPoint), importance of genetic influences on behaviour (PowerPoint), influence of nervous and endocrine systems on behaviour (PowerPoint), e.g. Gesell. • Theories of human development: nature versus nurture, continuity versus discontinuity, nomothetic versus idiographic. (PowerPoint) For more free and small charge resources checkout my TES shop #hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages Join the biggest subject team, Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. We share ideas, resources, signposting and prop each other out Good luck with you’re teaching :-)
BTEC Level 3 Health and Social Care Unit 11 Psychological Perspective B1. B2 and B3 spec resources

BTEC Level 3 Health and Social Care Unit 11 Psychological Perspective B1. B2 and B3 spec resources

A 24 page word booklet for students to make notes and record findngs and activities which coveres the whle of the Learning AIm B part of the BTEC Level 3 Health and Social Care Unit 11 Psychological Perspective. There are seperate cae study activities and lots of reference to the assessment criteria for pass, merit and distinction. The spec content covered, in detail is… Learning Aim B: Examine the contribution of psychological perspectives to the management and treatment of service users’ specific behaviours B1. Factors that affect human development and specific behaviours • Physical. • Social, cultural and emotional. • Economic. • Physical environment. • Psychological. B2. Contribution of psychological perspectives to the management of behaviours • Cognitive behavioural therapy, e.g. treatment of phobias, mental illnesses, post-traumatic stress disorder, approaches to challenging behaviour, monitoring and improving behaviour. • Social learning theory, e.g. use of positive role models, treatment of eating disorders. • Role of psychodynamic perspective in, e.g. psychoanalysis, exploration of factors influencing behaviour. • Humanistic perspective, e.g. person-centred counselling. • Biological perspective, e.g. drugs, biofeedback. B3. Contribution of psychological perspectives to the treatment of behaviours • Interventions: use of perspectives to inform development of therapeutic practices. • Therapeutic practices as relevant to behaviour, e.g. group therapy, family therapy, addiction therapy, behaviour modification programmes. • Ethical issues. • How the therapies work. • Reasons for attending therapy sessions. For more Level 2 and Level 3 BTEC or CTEC resources, follow me on TES to find them all in the same place with a handy search facility, to save on time. #hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages Join the biggest subject team, Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. 5,000 sharing ideas, resources, signposting and prop each other out
Tutor Session Health Topics resource package, PowerPoint and Activity Book - Years 11, 12 and 13

Tutor Session Health Topics resource package, PowerPoint and Activity Book - Years 11, 12 and 13

A 55 slide PowerPoint designed to run over a 6 week period covering Health Topics; alcohol, smoking, drugs, diet and exercise for tutors to use during tutor time (Year 11, 12 or 13). Along side this is a 8 page booklet for students to answer questions and evidence their learning. Both resources can be adapted and added to, to suit your teaching style and meet curriculum needs for your audience. Unfortunatly, lots of drug video resources are blocked at my school so some videos are American teenagers but there’sno reference to America and they are suitable for a British teenage audience. #hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages Join the biggest subject team, Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. 5,000 sharing ideas, resources, signposting and prop each other out
BTEC Level 3 HSC - Unit 2 Working in HSC  May 2017, Jan and May 2018  exam  analysis activities

BTEC Level 3 HSC - Unit 2 Working in HSC May 2017, Jan and May 2018 exam analysis activities

When you students have sat the May 2017 Pearsons Unit 2 Working in Health and Social Care exam paper and the Jan 2018 exam paper, which has been marked, students often focus on their mark/grade and don’t fully analyse where they went wrong and how they could improve, identifying areas to revise. This is two post exam activities, 12 pages of activities that incorporates the exam board feedback, bits from the mark scheme which encourages analysis and includes practice exam questions they maybe asked in their actual exam. There is a teachers copy that will have ideal answers for you to display before or after the student has attempted these themselves, so you don’t need to use your own brain! #hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages Join the biggest subject team, Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. 5,000 sharing ideas, resources, signposting and prop each other out #hscresources
Tips for good Mental Well-Being, Mental illness,  exam stress - supporting a mate who is struggling

Tips for good Mental Well-Being, Mental illness, exam stress - supporting a mate who is struggling

19 slide PowerPoint design to be used in Year 11, 12 or 13 tutor time to educate about mental well-Being, Mental Illhealth and uses the Time to Change - Be in your mates cornor, promotional videos. There’s a second PowerPoint about exam stress with tips to manage this too. #hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages Join the biggest subject team, Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. 5,000 sharing ideas, resources, signposting and prop each other out #hscresources
BTEC Level 3 Health & Social Care Unit 26 Health Psychology Introductory Booklet

BTEC Level 3 Health & Social Care Unit 26 Health Psychology Introductory Booklet

This resources is an Introductory Booklet which has the BTEC Level 3 Health & Social Care Unit 26 Health Psychology spec and assessment criteria as well as the Essential Information which has an overview of the content for each grades. For more free and small charge BTEC and CTEC Level 3 Health & Social Care, NCFE T-Level Health resource packages, try my shop, where you can find the full range with a handy search facility, to cut down on time. #hscresources TES shop Join the biggest subject team, Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. 5,000 sharing ideas, resources, signposting and prop each other out #hscresources #hscresources